Let's see

I often find myself immersed in the world of software and systems development, surrounded by too much technical knowledge that tends to distract me a bit from my goals. In fact, it is quite ironic that sometimes getting to the solution of a complicated problem is sometimes easier than expressing that solution clearly and concisely.

We tend to waste countless hours on specific details, losing sight of the big picture and forgetting why we are doing something. We are so focused on the how, that we forget the why.

For me, knowing how to communicate is one of the most important skills in software development, as well as being one of the most important virtues in life, but I still need to improve it, and like all skills, it needs practice to be mastered.

That is why I am writing this blog. It will be the starting point of a new journey, in which I will also try to finish some unfinished projects and, in general, express myself as I am. And also why not, maybe talk about things that have nothing to do with technology.

Ideas and projects, which mostly end up as prototypes, along with interesting things I learn in my day to day, I think they all deserve a place to be written and shared with others.

So, let’s see how this turns out 😉.